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Exploring the Heart Chakra

Writer's picture: Caroline LucasCaroline Lucas

The heart chakra is situated in the centre of the chest at the height of the thymus gland (behind the sternum). In Sanskrit this chakra is called Anahata, meaning ‘infinite’, ‘unhurt’ or ‘boundless’.



The element associated with Anahata chakra is Air.

It’s all about space, feeling the infinite, like the sky. It is said to be the door to our inner temple or our soul.


In the Physical Body:

The Heart, links to the lungs, arms and hands, thymus. The thymus is interesting we will come back to this later!


In the Emotional Body:

The heart chakra is related to being able to love yourself. Being able to give and receive (love) with equal ease. Feeling kindness and compassion for yourself and others. Having a sense of ‘we’ instead of only ‘I’. Feeling a general sense of belonging and trusting in your heart as an inner compass.


In the Mental Body:

It is about be able to give and share, without expecting anything in return. Being able to accept things as they are and live in balance, within yourself and the world around you.


Yoga poses link to the Heart chakra:

Ustrasana (camel pose)

Bhujangasana (cobra pose)

Supported Heart openers (yin & restorative)


Green is the colour for linked to this chakra, so we will use it in during your meditation and relaxation.



Hand Mudra for the Heart chakra: Padma Mudra (Lotus Mudra):


What Does Lotus Mudra Mean?

Lotus mudra is a hand gesture designed to open the heart centre. It is one of a series of therapeutic mudras thought to have healing properties.

To perform this mudra, bring the hands together in front of the heart centre with the thumbs pointing in toward the chest. The palms, thumbs, and fingers touch. Then spread the index finger, middle and ring finger wide like a lotus flower opening.



The lotus mudra helps to open the anahata (heart) chakra.

By activating the heart chakra, lotus mudra opens us to love and compassion. It is also said to be a symbol of purity.


The benefits of lotus mudra include:

  • Relaxes and stabilises the mind.

  • Treats ulcers and fevers

  • Creates a more loving attitude toward others.

  • Allows you to receive whatever you need and much more!


Air and Space are qualities of the heart chakra. Working on the physical heart space through a yoga is a wonderful step to help open the heart on all these levels. When we work on the body, tightness and stagnation present in the body will come to the surface automatically. If we can find the patience and the wisdom to just sit with it, watch it without judgment and understand the deeper lessons, meanings, and connections of all that arises and then consciously let it go, we can create more space.


Drinks linked to heart opening are beverages such as rose tea and cacao.


Thymus Tapping

Behind your sternum, or breastbone, sits the thymus gland, your immune system’s surveillance gland.


It is part of the lymphatic immune system and one of the functions of the thymus is to process and mature T cells the immune system’s “soldiers”.  Thumping, or tapping, your thymus gland stimulates your immune system, giving it a boost.



Use thymus tapping to keep the gland active and boost your immune system.

  • Stimulate energy.

  • Boost your immune system.

  • Increase your strength and vitality.


Gently tapping on the thymus gland creates vibrations that stimulate an increase in the release of white blood cells.

Here’s how you do it:

Using your fingertips to tap up and down about 2-3 inches along your sternum, between and above your breasts.

The thymus is located behind the third rib, but any vibrations along the length of the upper sternum will stimulate it.

Do this for 15-20 seconds and continue to take slow yoga breaths.

Apparently doing this 1-3 times a day or up to 4 during times of acute illness. It can be all you need to ward off a cold or illness as the thymus is stimulated to release all those infection fighting white blood cells!

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